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a note from Amy Swoboda, artist and
creator behind the "made by amy" brand:


The art and crafts that I create are
all made with old paper items found
at thrift stores, garage sales, flea
markets, and antique shops.

My art on canvas usually starts with
either one piece of text or one image
that I find in a magazine or book
dating back as far as the 1930s. I then
create a collage using the actual
clippings that I find, and I often add
paint in thin layers to create something
visually and thematically interesting.

For my greeting cards and journals,
like to reuse things like vintage ads,
playing cards, comic clippings, antique
greetings and book pages and turn them
into something new and useful again.

Limited edition framed prints of five
of my original pieces are currently
available as well as a handful of art
print greeting cards. Please see these
sections under "art" for a full list.